We define a structured product as, 'An investment backed by a significant counterparty (or counterparties) where the returns are defined by reference to a defined underlying measurement (such as the FTSE 100 index) and delivered at a defined date (or dates)'. As a simple example, a 'capital at risk' structured product might offer a return of, say, 65% on the investment if the FTSE 100 was at the same level or higher on the day the product matures in 5 years time. If the FTSE 100 is below that level it will return the original investment amount, unless it is more than a specified amount below, say 50%, whereupon capital would be reduced by the equivalent fall in the FTSE 100.
CompareStructuredProducts.com is a free service created by Independent Financial Advisers, Lowes Financial Management. Here you will find information on a wide range of retail structured products, including brochures and application forms completely free of charge. It will also provide you with the facility to invest directly, without the requirement to take advice. Our transparent fee structure ensures that you always know the cost of your investment and, where applicable, we will provide you with the facility to invest with a discount / uplift.